Human life is of immeasurable value from conception to the last breath. This day is set apart to recognize the sacredness of all human life acknowledging that it is because we are created in the image of God that our lives are so highly valued.
God literally breathed life into man (Genesis 2:7) something he did not do with other life forms and he made us in his likeness (Genesis 1:27) to reflect his attributes.
The bible is full of ways that we can value human life. We are told to be agents of unity, peace, love, respect and honor. We are charged to tend to the sick, feed the hungry and care for orphans, widows and those in need.
From the moment a life begins to the moment it ends, life is precious. Today at Amira’s House we are honoring that through rest, connection, and moments of reflection on God’s goodness and faithfulness as we follow the call to care for mamas and babies in our community.
We are incredibly grateful for those who have partnered with us giving valuable time, talent and treasure, making it possible to provide for the young women and infants we have had in our care to date. We are so excited to see what transpires in 2021 as we continue to grow in capacity to reach more young vulnerable women in need.
It is an honor and a joy to partner with God through the work of Amira’s House-Where Life and Love Bloom.