“A woman’s high calling as God’s image bearer renders her incapable of insignificance, no matter what has gone wrong in her life or how much she has lost.” – Carolyn Custis James, The Gospel of Ruth
I read those words and concluded, That’s right. She can’t be insignificant.
You could not have convinced me of this truth as it pertains to me personally anytime between the ages of 15 and 35. The most amazing thing I have overcome in my freedom journey was the disastrous way I projected my father wounds onto our heavenly Father. Even as God used people to tell me the truth about myself, I was convinced to the core that whatever good thing you had to say about me could not be true, otherwise my dad would see it and our relationship would be whole. I had given him the deciding vote of my value and worth and until I was able to take that authority away from him, I lived under a cloak of shame and low self-esteem. This quote really stopped me in my tracks with the absolute truth it delivers.
Even as God used people to tell me the truth about myself, I was convinced to the core that whatever good thing you had to say about me could not be true…
She cannot be insignificant. She has intrinsic value just in being, not based on doing. Her worth is not diminished by her addiction, having multiple kids with different fathers, her lack of education, prostitution, or criminal background. Nothing. No thing and no one has the authority to assign her value. Only Abba. Our heavenly Father has that right.
Just because others cannot see her value, including her, does not change it one iota. She is created in the image of God and designed to bear his image.
The hard work we do at Amira’s House to both teach and demonstrate what it means to be a child of God has generational and eternal kingdom impact. It’s a potential game-changer. It can change the trajectory of her life by helping her choose healthy relationships, parent from a healthy place, understand self-care from a place of value, and give her the courage to chase her dreams.
Through grace, patience, and love, Amira’s House is helping these women realize their high calling as God’s image bearers. For this reason, we are so grateful for you sharing your time, talent and treasure with our precious women and their babies.
– Rene Lackey, Founder & Executive Director
Beautifully said and such a powerful truth! Godspeed and God bless you Rene in your mission to help other young women realize their “intrinsic value just in being, not based on doing”…love it!