For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. (Matthew 25:35 NLT)
“Can you tell me what you do? I’ve been looking for several weeks, and no one has a place for us.”
This sweet, somehow steady, determined girl on the other end of the phone had lived in multiple unstable environments throughout the first eight months of her pregnancy. “As of today, I’m back to being homeless,” she confessed. A friend had told her about Amira’s House, and although she was in another state, she was brave enough to call for help.
With a baby due any day, a messy past, and nowhere to go, she agreed we should start the admission process. She stated she was leaving the domestic violence shelter that day after an extended six week stay and was headed to Fort Worth to connect with family, including her other children. After reviewing an initial application and obtaining a squeaky-clean background check, we advised her we would like to proceed with an interview when she reached the DFW area the following day.
At 1:00 a.m. the next morning, I awoke to a text that she was in a hotel in Arkansas and didn’t know where her car was. It had broken down on the highway and had been towed by police, who had taken her to the hotel. The team at Amira’s House decided to provide funds for food and a hotel stay, and proceed with a virtual interview…
Stay tuned for Part 2 of the story in our next blog post!
As the year comes to an end and we begin to plan for 2022, we have a clear vision. That vision includes specific goals to help meet the needs of more women facing crisis pregnancy. Many of you have provided faithful monthly support or generous one-time gifts this past year, for which we are very grateful. Looking ahead, Amira’s House needs additional funding to provide staff that will allow for quality care of the women and infants we serve. If you would consider making a special year-end gift, it would be very much appreciated.
Your tax-deductible gift will provide housing and daily support of the young women and babies in our care and help us expand our team. If you haven’t yet had an opportunity to give to Amira’s House, now would be the perfect time to start. Your gift at this time will have a lasting impact on the future of our ministry. Please visit our website to make a donation.
Until our next update, we pray you and your family have a peaceful and joyful holiday season!
Warmest wishes,
– Rene Lackey
Founder & Executive Director